Česká účastnice IVLP programu v dokumentárním filmu „Connecting Cultures, Impacting Lives: The IVLP Experience“

Česká účastnice programu IVLP Jitka Bulantová v dokumentárním filmu o programu IVLP

Třináct mladých lídrů z 12 evropských zemí a jedna nezapomenutelná americká zkušenost v dokumentárním filmu o IVLP programu „Advancing Youth Engagement and Leadership“, kterého se mladí Evropané zúčastnili 28. července až 15. srpna 2014. Ve filmu můžete vidět i českou účastnici Jitku Bulantovou, programovou ředitelku zlínské neziskové organizace Junior Achievement, o.p.s.

Dokument, který měl premiéru v 3. února 2015 ve Washingtonu, D.C., můžete sledovat na YouTube

Meet Alberto, Anna, and Jitka: three young European leaders from Spain, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic who visited the United States in the summer of 2014 as part of this IVLP project. Cultural Vistas caught up with each of these participants following their experience to learn about the impact it had on them.

Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine

Washington, D.C., New York City, Manchester, N.H., Austin, Texas, Seattle, Washington

„I’m very thankful for this opportunity. I learned a lot, I lived a lot, I felt a lot. This really changed me. I feel like I am a better version of myself.“
– Alberto Soler Soto, IVLP participant from Spain

„The IVLP gave me the great opportunity to learn a lot about people, life, cultural history, politics, and many other things about U.S. life. I brought home a new inspiration and motivation for my job.“
– Jitka Bulantova, IVLP participant from Czech Republic

„This is where Americans engage the world. Where we tell our story. Where we talk about who we are. Where we learn from each other.“
– Rick Ruth, Senior Advisor, Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs, U.S. State Department on IVLP